According Hasibuan (2007) there are
seven employee job satisfactions is influenced by the following factors:
Logrolling fair and decent.
The exact placement in accordance with the membership.
Weight trivial job.
Atmosphere and work environment.
Tools that support the execution of the work.
Leadership attitude in leadership.
Monotonous nature of the job or not.
Employee job satisfaction is greatly influenced by the
attitude of the leadership in the leadership. Participation leadership job
satisfaction for employees, because employees actively participate in giving
its opinion to determine the wisdom of the enterprise. Authoritarian leadership
resulted in employee job dissatisfaction. Employee job satisfaction is a key
driver of job morale, discipline and work performance of employees in
supporting the realization of the purpose of the enterprise. According to
Robbins and Judge (2009) there are 21 factors relating to job satisfaction,
namely autonomy and independence, career benefit, opportunity to advance,
career development opportunities, compensation/salary, communication between
employees and management, job contributes to organizational goals, feeling
secure in work environment, flexibility to balance life and work issues,
employment security, job specific training, management recognition of employee
performance, jobs, networking, opportunity to use the ability or expertise,
organizational commitment to expansion, the company's overall culture,
relationships among employees, relationship with supervisor, job, jobs
Luthans (2005), states that there are a number of factors that influence job satisfaction. The key things to remember the most important dimensions namely salary, job, promotion, supervision, group work and working conditions. Furthermore Nelson and Quick (2006) revealed that job satisfaction influenced five specific dimensions of the work that is payroll, job, promotion opportunities, supervision and co-workers.
Luthans (2005), states that there are a number of factors that influence job satisfaction. The key things to remember the most important dimensions namely salary, job, promotion, supervision, group work and working conditions. Furthermore Nelson and Quick (2006) revealed that job satisfaction influenced five specific dimensions of the work that is payroll, job, promotion opportunities, supervision and co-workers.
Byars and Rue (2005), states that the reward system of the
organization often has a significant impact on employees' job satisfaction
level. For example if each person received a 5 percent salary increase is
difficult to get reward solutions. However, if the increase is linked directly
to performance pay, an employee who receives a huge salary increase will be
more likely to experience feelings of completion and fulfilment. There are five
main components of job satisfaction, namely:
Attitudes towards work groups
General conditions of employment
Attitudes towards enterprise
Economic gains
Attitudes toward management.
Other components include a condition of mind employees about
the job itself and life in general. An employee attitude towards work may be
positive or negative. Health, age, level of aspiration, social status, social
and political events may affect job satisfaction.
According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2005), there are five factors that can influence the onset of satisfaction, namely:
According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2005), there are five factors that can influence the onset of satisfaction, namely:
Need fulfilment. These models propose that determine
satisfaction levels of job characteristics that allow the individual
opportunity to meet his needs.
Discrepancies. This model states that satisfaction is a
result of expectations. Fulfilling the expectations reflected differences
between what is expected and obtained individual from employment. When hope is
greater than what is accepted, people will not be satisfied. Instead predicted
individual will be satisfied when they receive benefits above expectations.
Value against it. The idea value against it is that the feed
satisfaction results from the perception of job gives significant value
individual work.
Equity. In this model meant that feed satisfaction function
of how individuals are treated fairly in the workplace. Satisfaction is the
result of the perception that the comparison between the work and the relative
inputs more profitable compared to the comparison between the outputs and enter
other occupations.
Dispositional/genetic components. Some colleagues or friends
seemed satisfied with the range of variation of the work, while others seem not
satisfied. This model is based on the belief that job satisfaction is a
function of the nature of some personal and genetic factors. Model implies are vide
only difference Indies have significant meaning to explain the characteristics
of job satisfaction as any work environment.
1.0 THE
In management,
the functions of the organization, especially in the case of monitoring,
organizations must monitor their employee’s attitudes, and relationship to
behavior. Does the employee’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction with influence at
the workplace? In organizations, the
attitude is very important for component behavior. In general, the study
concluded that individuals seek consistency among their attitudes and between
their attitudes and their behavior.
A person can
have thousands of attitudes, attitude-filled work positive or negative
evaluation owned by employees about aspects of their jobs, there are three
attitudes that is, job satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational
commitment. A person with a high level of job satisfaction have positive
feelings about the job, while a person who is not satisfied have negative
feelings about the job. Job involvement, which measures the level reached in
favor of individual psychologically important to them and consider the
achievable level of performance as a form of self-esteem. Employees who have a
high level of employee participation are very favorable and really care about
the field of work they do. Level job involvement and giving a high competence
really relating organizational citizenship and job performance. High job
involvement means in favor of an individual in a particular job, while a level
higher Organizational commitment means that the recruiting organization in
favor of the individual.
Rating an
employee about how he feels satisfied or dissatisfied with the job is a
complicated presentation of a number of elements of different jobs. Various
independent studies, held between U.S. workers for the last 30 years, in
general show that the majority of employees are satisfied with their job.
Despite the wide range the performance, but more and more individuals reported
that they were satisfied than dissatisfied. What causes job satisfaction? In
terms of job satisfaction (work itself, pay, promotion is, supervision, and
coworkers), enjoy the work itself almost always is most closely related in
terms of the high level of job satisfaction overall. In other words, most
individuals prefer a challenging work and the spirit of the work of predictable
and routine.
According to
Herzberg (1959), a characteristic behavior of
satisfied workers
are those who have high motivation
to work, they are happy
in doing his
job, while its
less satisfied employees are
those who leave
the workplace lazy and
with his
job. The employee
who always having a bad behaviour,
lazy, that will
certainly be a
problem for
enterprise. They usually will have a highest level
for absenteeism, work delays, and other breaches of discipline. Otherwise the
behaviours of satisfied employees are
more profitable for
the company.
Factors affecting
job satisfaction can be found by looking at a few things
that can cause and encourage job satisfaction, namely:
factor, a factor relating to psychiatric professionals covering interest,
Security in work,
attitude towards work, talent and skills.
2. Social
factors, the factors
relating to good social
interaction among senior professionals and
employees with different types of employment.
factors, the factors
relating to the physical condition of
the work environment and employee physical conditions,
including type of employment, organization
of time and rest, work equipment, the state space, temperature, lighting, air exchange, employees'
health condition, age and so on.
factor, a factor relating
to the security and well-being of employees and substantially covering
systems of wages, social security, all sorts of benefits, facilities provided promotion and so on.
A meta-analysis study performed
by AJ Kinicki, et al (2000) covers
9 results analysis
involving 2237 workers
have revealed a
positive and significant relationship between motivation and
job satisfaction. Because satisfaction
with supervision was
significantly correlated with motivation,
the manager suggested
considering how their behaviours affect job
satisfaction. The manager potentially increases the
motivation of employees through a range of efforts to increase job
satisfaction. Involvement in work
is the involvement of individuals with a role
in his work. A meta-analysis
involving 27,925 respondents
from 87 different
studies show that
involvement in work has relevance to job
satisfaction (S, P, Brown, 1996).
Implication on
work dissatisfaction can be seen like this. In
an organizational job dissatisfaction can manifest in various ways, Robins and Judge
(2009) explains that there are four different
responses to each other in two dimensions
that are constructive/destructive
and active/passive, with the following explanation:
1. Exit, dissatisfaction shown by the behaviour directed at
leaving the organization, including
looking for a new position or resign.
2. Voice,
dissatisfaction shown by the active and constructive
efforts to improve
conditions, including suggesting
improvements, discussing problems with superiors,
and various forms of alliance activity.
3. Loyalty,
indicated dissatisfaction passively but optimistically
waiting for conditions to improve by, the terms to speak
for the organization before external criticism and
trusting the organization and management to do
the right thing.
4. Neglect,
dissatisfaction shown by the action of passively letting the situation worsen,
including chronic absenteeism or tardiness
in, reduced effort, and increased
error rate.
aspects that are found in job satisfaction:
1. Work mentally challenged. Most
employees appreciate the jobs that give them opportunities to use their skills
and abilities and offers tasks, freedom and feedback on how well they perform.
These characteristics make the work mentally challenged. Too less challenging
jobs created boredom, but too much challenge creates frustration and feelings
of failure. In such cases the challenge is, most employees will experience
pleasure and satisfactions are.
2. Rewards fast. The employees want a
pay system and promotion policy that they define as fair, and in line with
their expectations. Good wages based on job demands, individual skill level,
and employment of a community standard, likely to be produced satisfaction. Not
everyone is chasing money. Many people are willing to accept smaller good money
to work in a more desirable location or in a less demanding job or have greater
discretion in their work and work hours. But the key to satisfaction wage
afraid that not the absolute amount paid; most important is the perception of
justice. Was similar employee seeking promotion policy and practice more, and
increased social status. Therefore individuals who perceive that promotion
decisions are made in a fair (fair and just) most likely will experience
satisfaction from their work.
3. Working conditions that support. Employees
care about good work environment for personal convenience or to facilitate his
work. These studies display that employees prefer physical surroundings that
are not dangerous or inconvenient. Temperature (temperature), light, noise, and
other environmental factors should not extreme (too much or too little).
4. Colleague who supports. People get
more than just an exchange or a substantial performance of the work. For most
employees, works also fill the need for social services. Therefore when having
a friendly and co-workers can create a pleasing increase job satisfaction. But
the superior behaviour is also key determinants of satisfaction.
5. Personality suitability to work. In
fact the type of personality congruence (congruent) with the job for which they
should get that they have the right talent and ability to meet the demands of
their job. Thus be more likely to succeed on the job, and because of this
success, have a greater likelihood of achieving high satisfaction from their
When there is dissatisfaction
in the work, the first thing that will happen to the employees is conflict. In
general, conflicts are divided into four levels of intra-individual conflict,
the conflict between the personnel, the conflict between the group and
organizational conflict. Every conflict occurs due to problems encountered.
There are various concepts used in explaining more about the issue of this
conflict. Among them is the role conflict and role ambiguity occurs when an
individual involved in two different situations for example a civil servant at
the same time become a lecturer. Of course, conflicts can arise due to the
occurrence of role confusion.
Employability conflict exists when there is a problem the solution to a problem that arises, poor physical environment and so on. Workload conflict arises as a result of an individual receives too much work and need to be resolved in a short period of time.
Employability conflict exists when there is a problem the solution to a problem that arises, poor physical environment and so on. Workload conflict arises as a result of an individual receives too much work and need to be resolved in a short period of time.
Conflicts also
guarantee a worker typically occurs due to economic factors. In this case, each
individual will experience a conflict of me for figuring out how to solve the
problem. Next, the concept of conflict is also used in the work and
family conflict. In this case, conflicts can occur when families do not
understand the role of other family members if not get an explanation of the
scope of work performed. Thus, the individuals involved should clarify the
scope of work carried out so as not to create any conflict. The concept of the
next conflict is a conflict of leadership in the organization. The conflict
will arise from the employee behaviour. Concepts
used in the stress just involve stress experienced by each individual. The stress
that arises out of conflicts can occur within them. Stress that occurs within
oneself will cause various negative effects such as emotional imbalance, loss
of self-control, loss of ability to work and the next diet suffer negative
implications on health. In addition, stress can cause future individuals who
suffer from stress are destroyed. Thus, each individual must learn to control
the problem.
According to Alcott (2007) leader who knows how to manage conflict in an organization is a characteristic of a successful leader. Conflict occurs when there is disagreement or non-belief in any case. For the employee, they should know the skill how to manage internal and external conflicts that are associated with organizational leadership. In the management of conflict between various approaches are recommended to collect, avoid combination, insist or to compromise where both parties benefit compared to other methods that result in one party feeling offended or disappointed. Therefore, conflict management need to ensure that the work environment in the organization and harmony and thus can contribute to the productivity of the organization.
According to Alcott (2007) leader who knows how to manage conflict in an organization is a characteristic of a successful leader. Conflict occurs when there is disagreement or non-belief in any case. For the employee, they should know the skill how to manage internal and external conflicts that are associated with organizational leadership. In the management of conflict between various approaches are recommended to collect, avoid combination, insist or to compromise where both parties benefit compared to other methods that result in one party feeling offended or disappointed. Therefore, conflict management need to ensure that the work environment in the organization and harmony and thus can contribute to the productivity of the organization.
It is believed
that the conflict in the organization occurs because struggle and competition
for resources, responsibilities dependent, because the status, barriers in
communication and differences in values and beliefs. In addition, not all
conflict is bad because sometimes there is a conflict that can be profitable
organization model in improving employee morale to achieve bonuses and rewards
the good. Important aspects and elements in the functioning of an organization
is communication. Communication effectiveness and organizational effectiveness
are closely related and affect each other. In an organization, like a pulse
that drives the communication management and employee relations functions.
Among the problems faced by an organization is a problem of communication
between management and subordinates. The causes of communication problems may
occur because of the style of leadership or lack of communication skills.
Thus, two-way
communication open type, clear and mutual trust will be able to influence an individual's
degree of commitment to the organization. This is because when an individual
receives positive feedback about the nature of work in the organization and
performance with the consent of his superiors, the individual will have a
higher degree of commitment to the job and organization. Increase the degree of
commitment to this organization involves communication process from the top
down to individual subordinates. In addition, individuals will also increase
the degree of subordinate organizational commitment should clear information
about their work.
Various definitions of communication were made by communication experts as Hoben, Berelson, Steiner, Miller, Gode and Ruesch. Between the definition of communication is often adopted by scholars and researchers of communication is by definition Hoben, Ruesch, Berelson and Steiber. Definition made by Ruesch (1975) is quite common. He stated that communication is a process that connects the isolated parts of the world. While Hoben (1954) noted the verbal communication is the exchange of an idea or opinion.
Various definitions of communication were made by communication experts as Hoben, Berelson, Steiner, Miller, Gode and Ruesch. Between the definition of communication is often adopted by scholars and researchers of communication is by definition Hoben, Ruesch, Berelson and Steiber. Definition made by Ruesch (1975) is quite common. He stated that communication is a process that connects the isolated parts of the world. While Hoben (1954) noted the verbal communication is the exchange of an idea or opinion.
Berelson and
Steiner (1964) define communication as "the process of transmitting
information '. This definition does not see or consider the results of each
communication whether successful or not. What is meant by organizational
leadership? Some scholars define leadership communication as communication
skills that move the group toward the achievement and well-being of the group.
Organizations can also define as a body that contains the groups and individuals
who work together to achieve certain goals. This means that the organization
leadership can be defined as communication skills in a body that contains the
groups or individuals to achieve organizational goals for the common good.
This problem should be viewed from the aspect of communication problems in leadership and leadership problems in communication. It is unfortunate if there is a leader who does not know the importance of effective communication and in turn ignore or be complacent when communicating. In an organization there are many workers or employees who come from different cultures and backgrounds. In this case, religion, culture, race, region different from each other requires a different form of communication when connected.
This problem should be viewed from the aspect of communication problems in leadership and leadership problems in communication. It is unfortunate if there is a leader who does not know the importance of effective communication and in turn ignore or be complacent when communicating. In an organization there are many workers or employees who come from different cultures and backgrounds. In this case, religion, culture, race, region different from each other requires a different form of communication when connected.
Leaders cannot
assume that all workers are equal and should get the same treatment. It's true;
the employer must be fair to employees but to emphasize the differences in
backgrounds when communicating. From the aspect of gender alone is giving a
clear picture of the need for a different method of communication. For extreme
organizations like the armed forces and the police, in total communication
method is very different from the communication among teachers and students in
a school. Strong language and strict orders and delivered in a serious
situation for the administration of an organization charged security. While the
language of diplomacy, friendly and full delivery is required in a school or
other private companies. It is highly inappropriate delivery of important
instructions sheet using friendly language in a security organization. As such
communication is very important, all parties should use the best possible
communication is very necessary and communicated well, perfect, according to
the audience, according to time and circumstances. Otherwise, communication is
used will give a different meaning to the employee. If the communication
channel is not suitable, the possibility of the message does not reach or do
not fully live up to. This situation will turn chaotic if the employee
continues to perform the task without a clear direction. This also forms the
real problems of communication in organizational leadership.
According to
Adair (2009) to achieve the objectives of the organization a leader should
communicate with all relevant parties, if not the objective will not be done
well without communication. Communication is very important in explaining the
purpose, aim and objectives of the organization, but there are some errors or
attitude of the chief or leader in delivering something to a subordinate staff
or related parties such as the head could not understand and was not clear
about the objectives presented. Head is also required to give the team or
organizational members what to do and why, when, how, where and who will carry
out a task. The important thing in giving instructions or tasks is to divide
the objectives into smaller groups so that it would be clearer and more
objective. This will facilitate the group's responsibilities.
according to Adair (2009), asking for consent in determining the duties and
responsibilities also play an important role in achieving organizational
objectives. According to Manning and Curtis (2009), however, an effective
method of communication is via two-way communication. It is believed that
one-way communication can be a problem and a challenge for such people to be
disobedient power to do something illegal; people will become more dependent on
the head in making decisions and in turn can cause anger subordinate to the chief
of staff.
commitment reflects how individuals identify themselves with the organization
and tied to goals.
A meta-analysis of
68 studies involving
35 282 individuals revealed the presence of a strong relationship between commitment
and job satisfaction (Tett and Meyer,
1993). The manager
recommended to increase
job satisfaction in order to achieve
a higher level of commitment. Further commitment
could facilitate higher
productivity realizations (Matheu and Zajac,
is the influence of job satisfaction with work
Productivity. People argue that productivity can
be increased by increasing job satisfaction. Job satisfaction may result from productivity or otherwise.
High productivity resulting from increased job
satisfaction only if the workforce perceives that what has been achieved in accordance with any enterprise
they receive (salary/wages) that are fair and reasonable and the work associated
with superior performance.
In other words that work performances show
floor worker job
satisfaction, because firms can
learn from the employment
aspects of the desired level of success.
According to Porter and Steers, absenteeism is more spontaneous and less
capacity reflects job dissatisfaction. The lack of a relationship between job
satisfaction and absenteeism. Because
there are two factors
in the present behavior
that is motivation to attend and ability to
attend. Meanwhile, according to Wibowo
(2007) between satisfaction
and absenteeism/absence indicates a negative correlation.
For example enterprises provide sick leave or
time off work freely without the sanction or fine including the
employees are very satisfied.
exit (Turnover). While
stopped or out of
a job has a huge economic consequence, then
most likely related to job dissatisfaction. According to Robbins (1998), job dissatisfaction in employees can be
expressed in many other ways such as by leaving
the job, complain, rebel, steal items
belonging to the enterprise/organization,
avoiding some of their job responsibilities, and others.
to Handoko (2001), job
satisfaction is the emotional state of pleasant or unpleasant by any employee looked at their jobs.
Job satisfaction reflects one's feelings towards their job. This saw the positive attitude of
employees towards work and
everything faced during work.
Historically, officers get job satisfaction
will perform well.
The problem is there
is high job satisfaction officer not
be official high
productivity. Many opinions suggested that job satisfaction is higher, mainly due to performance, not vice versa. Better job performance resulting
higher appreciation. When appreciation is
deemed fair and
adequate, then the officer will be increased
job satisfaction because they receive appropriate
credit in proportion to their work performance.
Here is an empirical case study
was conducted to reveal
the relationship about satisfaction and job performance.
Ibrahim, Sejini &
Qassimi (2006) conducted a study on the relationship between self-assessment of performance and job
satisfaction among public sector workers in the United Arab Emirates. The
results showed there was no
significant relationship between self-assessment of performance with overall job
satisfaction. The same goes for
"moderating variables" such as sex, marital status, length of service and position
showed no significant
relationship. However there
is a significant relationship between
self-assessment of job performance,
citizenship, position on salaries and benefits,
career development, and most importantly
environment/working conditions.
& Arif (2000) conducted a study on the
relationship between
organizational culture
and work among Malaysian
The study was conducted in
seven private companies
in Malaysia. The
findings have shown
there is a relationship between organizational culture with job involvement and organizational commitment. Relationship is positive and
strong. This study
is consistent with previous studies in
which the role of
organizational culture is to
promote the
positive work. The
findings also
show that there are several dimensions
of organizational culture that
promotes the effectiveness
and productivity of
labour is ultimately
it allows
the organization of
competitive advantages competitive. By the culture
of the organization, it
needs to be monitored continuously so
that it beliefs and values shared
by the members
of the organization continue
to evolve and eventually
management practices can facilitate a
conducive work
Arumugam, Vellapan, Yin & Wai (2006) conducted a study
/ quantitative analysis of
the relationship between
organizational culture
and employee job satisfaction in the
health sector
in Malaysia. The
study was conducted
on workers
in four
health organization in
the state. The findings
showed an
employee perceptions
of organizational
culture variables
are significant
and positive
relationship on
job satisfaction
of employees. This
study proved
the higher the level of employee awareness dimensions of organizational
culture support,
emphasis on rewarding innovation, performance oriented, stability and communication, the more positive
reactions to employee satisfaction. Studies
have also shown
support are
the dominant
dimension between dimensions
of organizational culture and has
a strong relationship
with employee satisfaction. This
study supports
previous findings by Lund (2003), Gray, Densten and Sarros (2003).
& Crawford (2003) conducted a study on
the influence of organizational
culture and
leadership style on
job satisfaction
and organizational commitment of managers of
various industries
in Hong Kong and Australia. The
findings showed
Australian managers have "Mean Scores" higher variable organizational
culture to
support innovation and job
and organizational commitment than managers
from Hong
Kong. For
both samples,
the variable innovation, support and leadership style to
show consideration
has a positive
influence on job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Sambasivan & Johari (2002) conducted a study of the influence of
corporate culture
and organizational commitment on
the financial performance
of Malaysian
companies. The findings
also indicated the relationship between corporate cultures with organizational commitment. Relationship is significant and
positive impact on
employee job
These findings are significant enough implications for human resource development and employee motivation. This
study also
proves corporate culture and an
organizational commitment has
an impact and influences
the company's financial performance. This
means that the
kind of corporate culture and organizational commitment can
be an important factor in
determining the
performance or
of the company.
4.0 JOB
a measure of success, the most important indicator for each organization is
scrutinized by customers. So,
the sure answer is customer satisfaction (Customer Satisfaction). Customers
satisfaction is the most frequently discussed issue in all organizations
whether public or private sector. Organizations rely heavily on customers, if
customers already do not believe anymore in the organization because of a bad
outcome (quality of services and products that bad), then the organization will
lose the trust of our customers because of bad impressions are formed. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction is a measure of an episode of something
related to past service experience. Quality of service is an overall assessment
of a service experience. The study found that the
assessment of customer perceptions related to have an impact on customer
satisfaction. So it is clear that the quality of customer service comes before
pleasure In the context of consumer behaviour
theory, defined as more satisfaction from the perspective of the customer
experience itself after using a product or a service.
can also be defined as a condition in a person or group of people who have
succeeded in getting something that is needed and desired.
Customer satisfaction is also a story compatibility
between needs and expectations. Customer
satisfaction will result in long-term relationships of trust and on-going then
was created the next customer loyalty. Satisfied
customers will make repeat purchases and they will tell other users about their
experience with the service. Satisfaction can be
defined as: Level one's feelings after comparing the results of the performance
of services as compared to hope she feels.
1. result of below expectations = DESPAIR
2. results conform to expectations =
3. work beyond or above expectations = VERY
should measure customer satisfaction.
After talking about customer satisfaction, good thinking
also about the importance of making surveys on customer satisfaction. Why
measurement should be implemented? To be sure, we
do aim for customer satisfaction measurement is to improve quality, increase
customer satisfaction, and increased profitability on
average business loses 10% to 30% of customers every year without noticed. To
figure they do not know where the missing client, when they lost and why they
lost. The question of how profits and proceeds derived from them is also
important to be scrutinized. The main purpose of
most of the business undertaken is aimed at profit. Measure customer
satisfaction and act appropriately may produce profit. While failure to render
further reduce customer makes competition increase the size of their market.
of customer satisfaction also leads to flee to competitors. Left by the
customer organization will face a very big problem.
Customer satisfaction levels is an important factor in
developing a system of service provision to the needs of customers, minimize
financing costs incurred and time (time) and requires treatment of the need to
maximize the target. Research on customer
satisfaction has been a lot done with a variety of approaches such as
satisfaction with service quality, satisfaction with the service committee. Customer
satisfaction is determined by various factors including: The decisive factor is the quality of service level the factors
that cause the occurrence of non-fulfilment of conditions on customer
expectations of service quality, which is often described as a model of service
quality. There are five factors that influences the
quality of service are:
1. The difference between management
perceptions of customer expectations about what customers want. Picture like this
could happen in aviation industry, where industries leaders think that airline
passengers departing just thinking timeliness, while passengers expect a
friendly attitude from stewardess and airline employees.
2. The difference between management's
perceptions of service quality specifications. Management may be right to
accept what the client desires, but management does not define specific working
standards. For example: Management of food business (restaurant) may have
fulfilled the desire of customers with the best set food menu, but management
did not specify the manner of furnishing meal services specifications.
3. Difference between service quality
specifications given by way of service delivery. The server may be less well
trained in how to feeding treatment, so no accurate way of delivering the
requisite standard.
4. The difference between the deliveries of
external communications. In general, customer expectations often influenced by
the statements made by the agent or representative of the company or advertising
made. In this case if the brochure's with interesting company, but in reality
it is not as described, then it can change customer expectations.
5. The difference between the service
received by service client had hoped for. These things can happen as a measure
of performance of different quality of service expected by the customer, for
example can be seen from an airplane passenger hope is to be able to enjoy the
satisfaction very well before boarding the plane, or in the, during the flight
and during the leave or down from when the plane reaches his destination. But
what might be experienced by passengers could vastly different from what they
expected. From what has
been stated above that the customer always told and expect to be able to enjoy
the services it uses in accordance with hopes satisfactorily. This is reflected
by the quality level of the services produced by a company.
company's success in maintaining or improving service quality in hospitality services produced is men or people who produce and deliver the service, the place where the services are processed, and the process of service provision itself.
Thus, the role of
the people
who produce and deliver
those services
is of
utmost importance.
There are internal barriers to customer satisfaction. Innumerable efforts achievement of
customer satisfaction conducted by the organization. Starting from the handling process,
quality improvement, increased services,
reduced funding directed all try to give customer satisfaction. However, customer satisfaction cannot
be achieved in whole or perfect. Studies find and identify the internal
barriers include:
1. Internal politics - Measurement of
customer satisfaction to be part of "politicking" between departments
or groups.
2. The issue of take for granted -
Providers assume that the issue of customer satisfaction is not a simple matter
and is not important.
3. Complacency-service providers believe
that they know what customers think and believe they have and provide the best
4. Resources and expertise to source issues
and expertise in the field of customer service.
5. Logistics-knowing the problem or
exceeding customer and contact them.
Barriers have no financial provision allows service provided satisfactorily.
According Hasibuan (2007) Job satisfaction is a pleasant
emotional attitude and loves his job. Job satisfaction employees should
preferably be created moral work, dedication, love, and discipline of employees
rose. This attitude was reflected in the work morale, discipline, and work performance.
They also can enjoy job satisfaction on the job, off the job, and a combination
of inside and outside work. Job satisfaction in a job is job satisfaction
enjoyed in obtaining employment with praise the work, placement, treatment,
equipment, and a good working environment atmosphere. Employees who prefer to
enjoy job satisfaction in the job will be primarily employment of retribution
despite the important.
Robbins and Judge (2009) define job satisfaction as positive
feelings about the job as a result of evaluation characters work. Concurs with
that, Noe, et al. all (2006), defines that job satisfaction as a pleasant
feeling as a result of the perception that the job meets job values are
important. Further Kinicki and Kreitner (2005) define job satisfaction as an
attitude or emotional response to various aspects of one's job. This definition
gives the sense that job satisfaction is not a single concept. More than that
one can be relatively satisfied with one aspect of the job and do not satisfied
with one or various aspects. In a similar view, Nelson and Quick (2006) stated
that job satisfaction is a positive emotional state and pleasant as a result of
the job evaluation or work experience person.
There are many
ways to measure job satisfaction of employees in organization/enterprises both
large and small. Most do not, there are four ways that can be used to measure
job satisfaction, is Rating Scale, Critical incidents, Interviews and Action
Tendencies. First is Rating Scale. Approach that is often used to measure job
satisfaction with Rating Scale among others: Minnesota Satisfaction
Questionnaire, Job Descriptive Index, and Porter Need Satisfaction
Questionnaire. Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) is a measuring
instrument or device designed job satisfaction so take look at them in detail
uncategorized elements in an element of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
element. MSQ scales measuring various aspects of perceived job very rewarding,
satisfying, cannot decide, unsatisfactory and highly unsatisfactory. Employees
were asked to choose one alternative answers according to the condition of his
employment. Job descriptive index is a measure of job satisfaction instrument
developed by Kendall, and Hulin.
With this instrument can
be widely
known how employees'
attitudes towards
the components of the
job. Measured
variable is the
work itself,
pay, promotion opportunities, supervision and work partner.
Questionnaire Porter Need Satisfaction
is a measure of job satisfaction instruments used to measure managers'
job satisfaction. Query more focused on themselves on certain issues and challenges faced by the managers. Critical Incidents widely introduced by Frederick Herzberg. He uses this technique in the study of
the two-factor theory of motivation. In his research he is asking a question to our employees about what factors alone do not make them happy and satisfied.
Interview to
measure job satisfaction by
using interviews conducted on the individual employee. This method is known to be deeply about how employees' attitudes towards various aspects of
the work. From the measurement of three
ways, using rating scale is the most frequently performed.
The definitions of consumer are general and
it’s related between satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the results from the existence of differences between the consumer expectations. It began with the performance perceived by the consumer. From variety of consumer satisfaction definition that has been researched and defined by marketing experts, it can be concluded that consumer satisfaction is a behavioral response consumer after-purchase evaluation form for a good or service that feels (performance products) compared with consumer expectations. Consumer satisfaction
is highly
dependent on consumer perceptions and expectations of themselves. Factors influencing consumer perceptions and expectations when making a purchase of a good or service is
a necessity and desire felt by the consumer at the
time of purchase of a good or service, past experience when
consuming the goods or services and the experience of
friends who have consume the goods or
services and advertising.
In a
competitive environment, indicators can indicate consumer satisfaction is what consumers will buy back and use the product at a time when that will come. As for some
understanding of consumer satisfaction according to the researchers is as follows:
There are many ways to increase consumer satisfaction, but according to some Schnaars four main ways, namely:
Building relationship with customer. Consumer satisfaction strategies are developed through good relations with the consumer in the long term so as to increase consumer loyalty. Closer relationships with consumers when combined with high quality products and fast service can be used to obtain competitive advantage.
Superior customer services. Ideal of Service in Consumer
Strategy similar consumer satisfaction by providing a higher level of service than competitors. Firms that offer better services usually charge a higher price for their products. Enterprises that provide services to higher market share tend to have larger and growing faster than competitors that provide low treatment.
Strategy similar consumer satisfaction by providing a higher level of service than competitors. Firms that offer better services usually charge a higher price for their products. Enterprises that provide services to higher market share tend to have larger and growing faster than competitors that provide low treatment.
3. Unconditional guarantee. Absolute warranty Guarantee the existence of another opportunity to create consumer satisfaction.
Reduce the risk of warranty on consumer purchases and indirect state that the product is high quality. Warranties are designed well will produce some gain consumer loyalty, which in turn will make repeat purchases. It will also create the news by word of mouth (word by mouth) are positive on the new consumer.
Complain efficient holding. Handling consumer complaints offers the opportunity
change consumer
dissatisfaction is satisfied quickly on industrial products.
ways of working
or culture to
be built
is based
on the impulse
towards achieving quality results and service
excellence, constantly
producing new ideas, discipline, academic
and professional, teamwork and
networking there.
A brilliant work will not work carelessly. Work and daily duties will not be considered as a burden or as a boring routine. Work to be done will
be done in earnest, not just let off lightly. His performance will always be high. If we encounter
any difficulties when
carrying out their duties, things to do is try to find a way to
overcome or solve the problem and not easy to turn hearts and admit defeat before the finish.
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (former Prime Minister)
has pointed
out that:
"Quality is an excellent condition but it is not limited to one level only. When we achieve quality, there's more better quality that must be pursued. "
"Quality is an excellent condition but it is not limited to one level only. When we achieve quality, there's more better quality that must be pursued. "
Sri Ahmad
Sarji bin Abdul Hamid (1995) (former Secretary
of State):
"The race
for quality improvement is
actually two races, .one
to forward, and always in
front of another."
achieve this level
of excellence, an
employee must
have discipline. Those
who have the
self-discipline can work
well in all conditions.
Truly excellent
work culture
course is
required by
the teachings of Islam in
order to enhance
economic development and character of
the people.